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numerical parameter中文是什么意思

用"numerical parameter"造句"numerical parameter"怎么读"numerical parameter" in a sentence


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  • This paper briefly outlines the finding of irregularities of the lunar apparent motion & the lunar theories in history in the western world , and emphatically introduces copernicus ' s method for ascertaining numerical parameters and his lunar theory , which were adopted by xinfa suanshu
  • ( 2 ) based on indoor test , two typical soft rock of brecciated mudstone and siltstone in luohu jiancheng district is carried systemically though interior rheological testing ; moreover combining with preceding studying results of rock rheological constitutive model , rheological numerical constitutive model suited to rock mass mechanics characteristics and stratum structure of luohu fracture zone , and numerical parameters of the model are processed with studying of curve fitting
    ( 2 )立足于室内试验,对罗湖建成区两种典型的软弱岩石?含角砾泥岩和粉砂岩进行系统的室内流变试验研究,又结合前人对岩石流变本构模型的研究成果,分析并确定了适合罗湖破碎带岩体力学特性及地层构造特征的流变计算本构模型,并对该模型的计算参数进行了曲线拟合研究。
用"numerical parameter"造句  
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